Wednesday, January 2, 2013

2012: A Year of Mixed Emotions

No time like the present to resurrect my blog. I hope to post more regularly with the dawn of a new year, but I have made that promise before. :) Shout-out to my friend KK for inspiring me to start blogging again.

Since my first post back happens to fall on New Year's Eve, what better than to reflect on 2012 and look forward to 2013.

2012 was a hell of a year, not going to lie. I am not going to sit here and say that I am so glad this year is over and it was the worst year ever. Was it challenging? Hell yes. But we were blessed with many positive things this year that I am determined not to let the negative over shadow.

January 2012 started off on a great note, with B and I taking our overdue honeymoon in the Bahamas. 8 days, 7 nights with nothing on the agenda but drinking by the pool. I am definitely ready to go back.

January also brought my first OB appointment where we learned our quest to add to our family was going to be tougher than it is for most couples. I originally was not diagnosed with anything, but was started on hormones right away. More on that in a different post.

February brought my 29th birthday (tear). I spent the day shopping with mom and the evening having dinner with my parents and our buddy AJB. 

March B and I decided to put our house on the market! A task the marketer in me knew I could tackle. After lots cleaning, packing and staging, we were excited to get an offer we accepted in May and moved out Memorial Day weekend. 

May also brought the first of many heartbreaks in our journey to have a baby when the first round of a medication called Clomid did not work. 

June we moved in temporarily with our friend AJB and moved into two bedroom condo in July.  June also brought another unsuccessful round of Clomid - the second time is not any easier.

Soon after we moved into our condo in July, I switch doctors to a doctor that specializes more in a field called Reproductive Endocrinology. She immediately suspected a condition called Endometriosis which would require surgery to remove. While surgery sounded scary and expensive, it was comforting to finally have some answers. I had another round of Clomid that month, but that cycle was scrapped due to the need for surgery.

July was a busy month. On top of moving a second time and surgery, we broke ground on our new house! (I am a bad wife and forgot to take pictures...) We also took a trip to Okoboji for my cousin's wedding. You have to love Okoboji in the summer!

August brought B & I's first wedding anniversary just three days after my surgery. Needless to say, we didn't do much. It's still hard to believe the first year of marriage is over - I would say we definitely had more challenges than we could have anticipated, but it only brought us closer. The surgery was a success and they found just a little endometriosis, which was a good thing!

September we started another round of hormones and in October did another round of Clomid with a procedure called an IUI. (Intraunterine Insemination.) After two agonizing weeks of waiting, I took (a million) home pregnancy tests and it was positive! Our elation was short lived, when two days later, I lost the baby. For those of you familiar with medical lingo, the pregnancy was classified as a "chemical pregnancy" - my HCG never got over 23. For those of you not familiar, the baby didn't develop and stick the way they're supposed to. Heartbreak and devastated does not even begin to describe the emotions. More on that in another post. 

November brought a fresh start, more progress on the house and a switch to the University of Iowa hospitals for our fertility journey. Because of this, we took November off from trying to get pregnant. Thanksgiving was low-key for us, we did a little Thanksgiving at our condo with B's parents and B spent most of the weekend working on the new house. 

December - December 4th to be exact - brought the shock of our life. 

After 14 months, tons of hormones, a surgery and lots of doctors, I was some how pregnant. Without any of them! Again, more on all of that in another post, but B and I are absolutely elated and terrified at the same time. 

As we wrap up the year, the house is about 3/4 of the way done and we are hoping to be in by the end of February/beginning of March. I am battling morning sickness, but luckily it is tolerable, and I'll take it. :) Both B and I are still loving our jobs and are extremely lucky to be in positions that we love and that can provide more than enough for us, our animals and soon - Baby R! 

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